Totally Outbid Myself

I used to think I didn’t have an addiction to anything. With the exception of getting caught up in a series for a day or two, there isn’t much I can’t not do. That is, unless I’m at an auction.


Whether silent or live, one of my favorite things to do is drive the price. I’m not one to hover. In fact, that is probably my one and only auction pet peeve and if I see someone hovering I will definitely outbid them. You know these types. They’re the people who block the auction item, pretending not to notice your interest, and when you do make it to the item and place a bid, they immediately return to hovering stance and bid again.


My all-time favorite part of an auction is the live auction. No hovering can take place here and, if you want to be in the game, you best have at least one good arm. Fortunately, I do.


As tonight’s auction – for the kid makers – started I stretched, took a sip of my wine, and threw ‘387’ high into the air. Within the first five minutes I had purchased $40 worth of restaurant gift cards for the amazing price of $150. What was my interest? The fundraiser, of course, and the fact that someone else really wanted it. Clearly they didn’t want it that bad. The bidding continued and I got in on an item my neighbor was bidding on. She eventually bid on top of her on bid. “Did you just outbid yourself” I asked. “Absolutely! I want it!” she replied. Sadly, someone besides me continued to outbid her.


Toward the end of the night people were all bid out and money was still needed for the great cause so I kept on bidding and, following my neighbor’s lead, began outbidding myself. My work did not go unnoticed, “You’ve been a hard bidder all night, let’s give this one to you for $75,” the auctioneer announced. I don’t recall what the item was but it doesn’t matter. What matters is a bunch of single women/moms will now have a little more support. When it isn’t for the kids it is for the kids makers. A little change for change goes a long way.



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