Pingüinos y Quesadillas

Global warming is real. If you don’t believe it, check out the iceberg in my brain. Based on Sleepless’ iceberg/penguin theory, penguins (memories) are dropping off my iceberg like flies and I can only assume it is because the iceberg is getting smaller, which I blame on global warming.


After going to the rock opera disco circus event the other night, Ice Cream Man decided to return home and Sleepless and I decided to go dancing. Due to my recent injury, my doctor advised against running and Zumba, but I didn’t recall her saying anything about dancing and, as far as I was concerned, my orthopedic boot was made for dancing. Alas, Sleepless and I danced for hours then grabbed our belongings and began our trek home. We arrived at her place to find Ice Cream Man watching TV, however, as soon as we walked in the door he decided to go to bed.


While he tried to sleep we, according to what he shared with us the next day, were focused on quesadillas. Sleepless made them; I ate them. “Do you want another quesadilla?” she would ask. “Yes,” I would reply. “If she would have continued to make them you would have continued to eat them,” he told us then asked, “And what the hell were you watching? I woke up to find the TV on the Spanish channel.” “Until now I didn’t even remember eating the quesadillas, so I definitely don’t remember what was on TV,” I replied. “That was me. There were some good shows on last night,” Sleepless admitted.


Sometimes its nice to rely on another person’s iceberg and, if you have time and the right cable package, fill up your own iceberg with bilingual penguins.



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