Miss Fortune

A while back Tree and I heard Fortune Feimster was coming to town. “We should go!” we both said. Then, we had another glass a wine and continued on with our lives.


Fortune eventually came to town and we went to the venue, but it was strictly by chance. As William Shakespeare once said, “Fortune brings in some boats that are not steered.” By the time we finally got our boats pointed in the right direction and arrived at the venue, Fortune had already performed. We decided to focus on the here and the now, which was  dancing on stage.


After a while, I pulled Sleepless from the stage and we headed to the loo where I did what I often do – failed to lock the stall door. As a result, someone attempted to come in. As I exited, the girl who accidentally walked in on me stepped back and allowed Fortune to dart in. As Laurence J. Peter once said, “Fortune knocks but once, but misfortune has much more patience.”


As we returned to our stage, on which we had pretty much claimed eminent domain, we shared the loo story with Tree. “I know she is a comedian, but that was kind of a joke,” I told him and then continued to dance. Truth be told, I was just being a dick. I really didn’t care that Fortune bypassed the loo line; that’s definitely something I would do if I could. I just wish I had arrived in time to hear her tell jokes instead of  being in the loo in time to hear her pee. I guess that’s just my misfortune.

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