“Fall” Fashion Trend

Being that I regularly lack balance and often suffer the consequences, I didn’t worry too much about my shower incident. Sure, my toe was sensitive, but most would say it is nice to see I have a ‘sensitive side;’ so I let it be. As the day progressed however, my toe wanted attention. I had tucked it into a sock, which I then put into a boot, thus, hiding it from my sight. Much like sweeping it under the rug, a trick I learned from my family. Just like the scum rises to the surface of the pond, my toe begin to rise within my  boot.


I finally relented and went to a clinic. Based on the bruising, they had some concerns which were confirmed by an x-ray. “Come and take a look at this with me,” the doctor told me and then showed me my x-ray results on a computer. “Our bones start to look a little funny once we’re over 30, so don’t mind those things,” she said while pointing at several areas of the screen. I really have no idea what that meant, but it has become quite apparent that my trying to stay young while my body tries to age is a dangerous combo. “It looks fine from this angle, and that angle, but this angle, well, that’s concerning. It looks a bit like a hairline fracture. I think we’re going to need to boot you for the next three weeks.”


The medical assistant fitted me with a boot, all the while apologizing, “Sorry, I know it’s ugly.” “No need to apologize,” I replied and added, “It’s the ‘Fall’ fashion trend. I’ll take it to the runways!” I actually will take it to the runways  – JFK, SEA. Can you say ‘pre-board’? As I left the clinic the receptionist asked how my appointment went. I pointed to my boot and she suggested I “jazz it up a bit with some gems.” “Good idea!” I replied and then remembered my BeDazzler broke last month when I was ‘jazzing up’ a fanny pack for the demolition derby. Broke, broke, broke. With this theme going I have no plans to check my bank account. I’ll just sweep last month’s statement under the rug….



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