Dewey the Right Thing

I returned home today to find a notice about a rash of burglaries in the area. Being that I lock my doors regularly, and lock them so tight that locksmiths cannot even get in, I figured I didn’t need to worry much. Plus,  I have my trusty cat burglar who regular steals a spot on my porch and slyly enters my house when the door is ajar.


As I continued to read the notice, however, I became slightly concerned. These hoodrats appear to like Hondas. Dirk was in jeopardy. Being that my neighbor across the way also has a Honda I decided to go to her house to discuss the notice.


As I approached, I could see the lights were on in the front of the house. As I got closer I could see her laptop bag on the chair, so I assumed she was home. I knocked on the screen door and didn’t hear the dogs or get an immediate response so I opened the unlocked screen door, knocked on the front door, and then turned the unlocked handle as she turned the corner of the front room with her dogs. “Your dogs didn’t bark,” I told her. “They don’t,” she replied. I then asked if she had read the notice. Based on the front door being unlocked and her valuables being in direct view, it was safe to assume she had not.


We discussed the notice and determined that since neither of us have a garage the likelihood of our cars being stolen was high. “Look at it this way, you’ll get a new car,” she said. “That’s true, but I’ll lose out on all my frequent buyer punch cards, not to mention a few library CDs and a tutu,” I replied. “The tutu should make them easier to find,” she replied. She is right about that but I would feel horrible if they failed to return my library items on time. Hopefully, they’ll Dewey the right thing.

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