Always a (televised) Bridesmaid

With just 20 minutes until book club I received a request for a television interview. The theme for this book club was ‘Bridesmaids’ so my hair was pulled up like Palin’s, I had a large feather ‘fascinator’ on my head, my make-up looked like lipstick on a pig, my best fake pearls were around my neck and my strapless turquoise blue dress was hugging my body.


A quick change was needed but with my hair sprayed and make-up painted they would need to stay in place. To maintain a ‘professional’ and librarian/school teacher look, I kept the pearls on and added  a hot pink cardigan. Blue may say power, but red lips and and a hot pink cardigan scream – not sure what, but they scream.


The reporter arrived, I participated in my interview, and she said, “People probably won’t recognize you because you never wear make-up.” She may be on to something because I also never wear pearls or do my hair.


Later, back in full costume and watching Bridesmaids, Sleepless observed that Kristen Wiig’s character got up and put on/refreshed her in the morning, before her beau woke, and then got back into bed. “Have any of you ever done that?” Sleepless asked. All said no, including me who added, “Only if I don’t want them to recognize me.”


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