West side, no ride

Attempting to be responsible, with our rum in our Slurpees and whiskey in our breast milk bags, we decided to take public transportation to the fair. The ride there was amazing, for many reasons. The two primary reasons being we gave people multiple photo opps and Live Longer got a really good selfie with PDA in the background.


The way home, though good, was not as amazing. This was primarily because there was no way home on public transit. None. We were able to purchase tickets, but we weren’t able to use them. Unbeknownst to us, but detailed online and at the stop, the train stopped running several hours before we were ready to return home. As a result, we found ourselves in a position that at least three of us had been in nearly one year prior – stranded on the west side with no ride.


Being that we were all wearing boots, and they were made for walking, we did as we did last year and showed the west siders that we had ‘sole.’ Fortunately, no less than one block from the train stop, a cab pulled over. I’m not sure how he knew we needed a ride (perhaps it was our gait). More importantly, unlike last year when at least one of us was in deer hunter orange, I’m not sure how he saw us – the majority of us were in camouflage. Thankfully, he allowed all seven of us in the cab and we were with ride and east side (sort of) in no time.

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