Looking for Hansel

Saturdays are often ‘free hot dogs day’ at the furniture store. This freebie draws in quite the crowd. We get people who appear to be filling their cabinets for the week, elderly people looking for a hot meal, and moms who are hosting a birthday party and think we are the caterer. Occasionally, I’ll partake. Most of the time, I do not.


This Saturday, as a thanks to us hard working employees, the store purchased sandwiches. So, while the customers gathered dogs for whatever their needs may be, we filled up our plates with sandwiches and cookies. As I walked out of the warehouse back into the store with my plate in hand the warehouse door hit my gimp arm bend and my plate of food launched across the store. Shredded lettuce, sliced tomatoes, deli meat and cookies were scattered everywhere.  “Damn gimp arm,” I told my coworker and asked, “Should I just leave it in case the mice or Hansel can’t find their way home?”


Being that I have some ethics, and the store has multiple CCTV cameras, I opted to clean it up. Hansel and the mice can have hot dogs.

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