
I’m all about extras. I have extra beds, couches, lamps, costumes, toothbrushes, chairs, etc. One never knows when they might need more.

I also like life’s extras – manicures, pedicures, vacations, and bikes with two wheels, to name a few.


Fortunately, YumYummy is also a fan of extras and, while visiting her, she suggested we get pedicures. As we were approaching the salon, she reached into the her back pocket, said, “I doubt this is money,” pulled an item and out and said, “Oh!”  In her hand was a grey thong. “Did you just pull underwear out of your pocket?” I asked. “Yes,” she replied giggling and quickly putting it back in her pocket. “Why was it in there?” I asked. “I don’t know,” she said, doubling over with laughter, “I think I may pee my pants.” “No problem if you do. You’ve got an extra pair in your back pocket,” I advised.


Later, as we shared this story with YumYummy’s friend she asked, “Were they mine?” Strange question. Now I’ve got extra questions.

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