Splashdance: The Boozical

Like most people, Tree takes advantage of the warm summer weather. In addition, he also takes advantage of the pool at Ice Cream Man and Sleepless’ condo. Each day, while others – Ice Cream Man and Sleepless included – are wishing they were poolside, Tree is checking in at the pool. “The other day I was leaving the condo and there he was, sitting at the pool, waving hello to me,” Ice Cream Man told me the day we all had the luxury of living Tree’s carefree poolside life.


To enhance the afternoon, I brought a chilled magnum of chardonnay and some chips that I’ve been trying to get rid of for some time. Awkward, Tree and I started drinking and, an hour or so later, were joined by Ashterisk, Sleepless, Ice Cream Man and FatGirl.


Being that it was incredibly hot I decided to hop in the pool and do some resistance training. FatGirl saw this activity and decided to join in. “Look at us!!! Look at us!!!!” he screamed to the others as we splashed around. “It’s Splashdance!”


Splashdance it was and Flashdance it soon became. As we jumped up and down in the water my bikini bottom came right off. I thought I had it fixed and then I attempted to hoist myself out of the pool. Down again. Then, just like with Lindsay Lohan and Brittney Spears, the cameras came out. What a feeling!



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