Salon employees: Nailed!

Recently, during a ‘spot’ inspection at a local nail salon, things got pretty heated, law enforcement got called, and the brawl made the news.


Sleepless and I were sharing this story with Ashterisk and she said, “That is so weird. Did they have names like the pilots from Asiana Airlines?” Sleepless giggled and I replied, “Yes, yes, they did. One was, ‘You Want Flower?'” “And ‘Pick Your Color,'” Ashterisk added. Like the pilots, there were four salon employees. I’m guessing the other two were,  “Water OK” and “Credit Card Broken, Cash Only.”


Sadly, all four of the staff were arrested and booked in jail (not to be confused with gel). An additional employee was cited, but not arrested. Her name was Shellac A License.



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