Remember to Move

This is not a reminder to my creepy neighbors to move, although I’m happy to provide them one if they need it. This is about memory – something I have lacked as of late.


According to the European Society of Anaesthesiology, if you receive anesthesia in your ‘mature’ years you are 35% more likely to experience dementia. It’s a good thing I’m still in my immature years.


Unfortunately, however, a recent survey of local residents aged 60 and older indicates 18% of them experience memory loss and cognitive decline. When I saw the press release I quickly shot the author a question, “If I move before I’m 60 can I avoid this?” “What do you mean by move? Start an exercise program or move to another state?” she replied. Touché.

I have got to remember to move soon. If not, I just know I’ll wonder to myself one day, “What was that really important thing I was supposed to do?”





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