
With the weekend upon me and not much on my calendar I decided to take BeCuz with me to our local version of Le Tour de France. Not having attended the tour, in France or locally, I wasn’t sure what to wear so I did a quick online search. With the exception of a helmet (safety first for spectators and riders), I didn’t find any other must-wear items. I did, however, find some tips for watching in person, one of which was sport VIP.  I’m not much into sports, but I love sporting VIP.


We arrived at the race and leisurely walked toward what appeared to be the sponsor tents. “Ladies, you’re VIP, you enter by the Start and Finish Line,” one of the event staff kindly advised us after checking our badges and then directed us to a tent filled with food, drinks, bam bams, cowbells, couches and TVs.


I was ready to embrace this race and shadow it’s every move. As the racers lined up at the Start line, I lined up at the bar. As the person at the head of the bar line moved, the other patrons and I closed in tightly behind him – the reduction in drag was incredible. We were in pure peloton form!


With my wine, bam bam, camera and cowbell in hand, BeCuz and I stood at the sidelines – best tifosi ever! Like the other tifosi, we picked a ‘favorite.’ My favorite – and something that almost made me consider competing but the free drinks in the VIP tent were far more appealing – were the broom wagons. “I could do that,” I told BeCuz. “I want to do that,” she told me pointing to the camera guy riding bitch on a motorcycle.


Truth be told, if either of us ever raced it would most likely end up nothing like a peloton and exactly like one of my favorite Summer Saturday activities,  a yard sale – complete with bam bams, cowbells, helmets and bicycle parts scattered everywhere.


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