Guests Bests

I’m a firm believer in good hospitality. Bad hospitality just doesn’t make sense. In fact, it’s an oxymoron.


If I’m having guests over, I launder the sheets, fluff the pillows on the couch, clean up my room (throw everything in the closet) and take the bladder out of the box and pour the wine into a nice carafe. I consider this my guests’ bests. I’ve also recently upgraded my cable package from none to some because I know some of my guests are fans of the black box in the corner.


Most of the time, I know when guests are arriving, but every now and again I’ll receive spontaneous visitors. Thus, I try to keep my home in order. Today, as I left for work, I did a quick once over in the event anyone stopped by immediately after work. Then, as I drove to work, I realized I had pulled a BioMom. I left my vibrator on the shelf in the bathroom. Guests bests? Take your best guess.


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