Glass Knuckles

I’m a lover not a fighter. I must admit, however, I do love to drink a little wine and debate first world problems with my friends. During these moments it is not uncommon for wine to get spilled or glasses to break – it’s all part of the experience.  Plus, I believe the spilled wine gives my wood floors a lovely medium-bodied oaky finish.


Over time, wine glasses have both progressed and regressed. Progress: stemless. Regress: redneck. Fortunately,  I’m not picky, so I’ll drink out of any glass, or paper cup for that matter.


Recently, a college student designed a small glass ring for the the girl on the go who likes to enjoy a ‘little’ wine and, perhaps, has a tendency to lose her glass every now and again. If I were to buy, I probably wouldn’t buy just one, I’d buy a handful. Then, if things get heated during our first world problems debates, I can pound the wine and, if necessary, pound someone with my newly acquired glass knuckles.


2 thoughts on “Glass Knuckles”

  1. That college student is smart but not brilliant. If we created that we’d be marketing it and making millions.
    Btw, where was “Appreciating Wine 101” when we were in college?!

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