Riffraff on my Dress

Thanks to the Yale Club I now own a cute little red collared dress. After wearing it one time,  it was a bit wrinkled. I hung it near the shower in hopes that the moisture would get the wrinkles out. A few days after doing so, Oreggano stopped by, used the loo, and complimented me on the dress, “That’s really cute. Why is it hanging in the shower?” “It was really wrinkly. Plus, I noticed a white spot on it so I’m leaving it there to remind me to get it cleaned.” “Way to go Monica Lewinsky,” she replied.


With my collared red (and white spot) dress still hanging in the shower, MiniMe returned from Alaska with a homemade kuspuk. “I sewed the whole thing by hand. All of it, even the riffraff on my dress,” she told me. “Ric rac, not riffraff. Trust me you do not want riffraff on your dress. If you don’t believe me, ask Oreggano and Monica Lewinksy,” I replied.



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