On a roll

To show my gratitude to Sleepless and Ice Cream Man for all of their kindness I offered to take them to dinner. Specifically, to sushi.


As Ice Cream Man reviewed the menu he excitedly said to me, “I think I’ll eat you.” At this particular sushi restaurant there is a roll that bears my name. #114 (aka, me roll) consists of shrimp tempura, cream cheese, cilantro and jalapeno, topped with k/crab salad, tempura crunch, and spicy mayo sauce. Sounds exactly like me – hot, creamy, occasionally fake and very spicy.


Sleepless decided she wanted to taste me so Ice Cream Man passed her a roll. “Wow, spicy. How do you keep eating it!” she asked. ” I love it. I know it’s spicy, but it’s so good,” he replied. “I get that all of the time,” I informed both of them.


I opted against trying me – like tickling, I figured it’s never as good as when someone else does it.

Although Ice Cream Man left some of the roll unfinished, I didn’t blame him – I’m a lot for one man to handle. Luckily, my fortune was positive: The current year will bring you much happiness. Not too shabby. Looks like I’m ‘on a roll!’

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