Life is too short

While celebrating Beaner’s birthday we were discussing different life events and the manner in which others conduct them. Beaner shared a story about being invited to dinner at five and, right at five, the dinner plates – complete with food, were on the table and the meal was started regardless of who had/hadn’t arrived. “That’s just crazy,” said MiaMamma and added, “Life is too short to start on time.”  As we laughed at this new found idiom, Contestant #56 reminded MiaMamma of ‘asparagus’ – something MiaMamma once said in response to a conversation even though the conversation had nothing to do with asparagus. “Oh, asparagus, esophagus, what’s the difference?” MiaMamma asked. “The price per pound,” I replied.


Just prior to this event which, by the way, did not start on time, Beaner had taken me to see my surgeon for a follow-up visit. As had happened in previous visits, he wanted me to show off my range of motion. I did so and, once again, received poor reviews on my doorknob turn. “I really thought I had this one down,” I advised him. “No, you’re turning your head, not your body,” he advised. That may be true, but wouldn’t one rather turn heads than doorknobs? I mean, really, life is too short to do things right.

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