Collard Greens

With my new knowledge of our lodging rules,  I decided to walk a few errands. My main goal was to find a shirt with a collar – preferably one with the chest cut out or a t-shirt featuring collard greens – I’ll ‘follow’ the rules if I must.


As I walked to the store I realized this would be the first trip I’ve made since my last trip and wondered if, perhaps, I should take my sling – doing so would provide us the opportunity to pre-board. I quickly decided against it because pre-boarding isn’t really our thing. We prefer to stay in the Sky Club until the very last minute and then run to the gate where they quickly scan our boarding passes and close the plane door behind us.


Once in the store, I found a couple of shirts with collars. One was completely sheer and the other was a sleeveless, loose, mid-riff. “These will definitely get me kicked out,” I thought to myself while checking out my belly in the mirror and wondering two things: 1) why doesn’t my belly ever get tan? 2) should I have a back-up lodging plan? I’ll probably never know the answer to the first question, but I’ll have an answer to the second question in a couple of days.

2 thoughts on “Collard Greens”

  1. I should have been reading the blog in Mexico… Then I would know you got collared
    American and British slang for when an officer catches or apprehends a suspect (collared/having your collar felt). Also used in bravado between officers ‘good collar’ meaning good arrest or stop.

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