Recently, a huge story made like my shoulder and ‘broke.’ As a result, I ended up speaking with several media representatives and received a couple of requests for on-camera interviews. It’s a good thing I got that shampoo set.
I had, however, just removed some of the bandages from my shoulder and it was looking a bit jacked. Since all of my wardrobe as of late was tube top style, I decided it would probably be best if I covered it all with a turquoise scarf.
I did so, and the photographers ensured me they would only film from the head up, but apparently that didn’t happen and, once again, I looked like I was breastfeeding a baby – this time on TV, during a work related interview.
A few days later I touched base with my boss about my shoulder status and mentioned the story that made the news over the weekend. “Yes, I saw that. What was that?” he asked. I started to brief him on the story and he said, “No, that blue thing you were wearing. What was that?” I provided clarification – the scarf was turquoise, not blue; I recently had surgery and didn’t think everyone wanted to see my incision; and next time I interview I am going to take my mom’s advice and attach a doll’s feet and arms to my sling so the scarf looks ‘normal.’