Two and a baby

Even though my abilities are limited, I still try to get out and about for a few minutes each day so that I don’t end up completely homebound and eligible for Meals on Wheels.


The bandage on my shoulder is doing it’s job protecting my incision and is also doubling as an ad campaign featuring part of the Michelin Tire Man. It kind of looks like a mix between him and a very large 80s shoulder pad. As a result, when in public, I cover it and my sling with a scarf.


When walking into a restaurant recently the hostess said, “Two and a baby?” “Yes, no,” I replied and clarified, “Just two, there isn’t a baby under here just a large, prosthetic looking, Michelin Man arm in a sling.”


I really should have taken MiaMamma’s advice and attached a doll’s arms and legs to my sling.


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