Totally f’ed up

Humans and birds have a couple of things in common – we have bony skeletons, eat meat, have vocal abilities, and come in a variety of colors.


Speaking of meat, each Thanksgiving a bunch of American families get together and ‘give thanks’ for, most likely, only having to get together a couple of times a year. In addition to physically getting together, this tradition also typically includes eating a turkey. Most people who partake also put the wishbone – technical term, furcula – aside to dry out so they can break it later for ‘good luck’.


The wishbone tradition started years ago in Ancient Italy with the Etruscans, who merely held on to the bones, petted them and made wishes on them. The Romans learned of their customs and, to make the bones go further, would break them driven by the belief that the wish would come true for the person whose hand was holding the bigger piece of the ‘wish’ bone.


Being that, based on the x-ray of my shoulder, I am still holding the bigger piece of my ‘wishbone’ while the smaller piece is holding on for dear life, I am hoping that my wish comes true and this totally furcula’ed up situation is soon remedied.

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