Responsible Adult

Prior to going into surgery the nurse gave one last word of advice, “After the surgery, you need to be with a responsible adult for 24 hours.” Sleepless and I looked at each other, realized we may be in trouble, and asked, “Can we go back to the waiting room and look for someone responsible?”


Fortunately, during the time I was under anesthesia, Sleepless was able to enhance her responsibility level by reading up on after-care procedures. Turns out that, in addition to needing to be with a responsible adult for 24 hours, I was not to make important choices or sign legal papers. I was also to refrain from activities/sports/gym that required alertness, balance, coordination or judgment. The latter will be very easy, I follow this advice 24/7.


As instructed, I opted against important choices and let Sleepless and Ice Cream Man select what we would eat for dinner. I also avoided signing legal papers and online shopping even though I had a hankering for assistive devices and large print magazines.


Although I received loads of restrictions, I also received permission to “swing like a pendulum often.” Roger Miller would be so proud and, ever since I’ve received these instructions, I haven’t been able to get his song out of my head.


“England swings like a pendulum do,
Bobbies on bicycles, two by two,
Westminster Abbey the tower of Big Ben,
The rosy red cheeks of the little children…..”


I’m hoping Sleepless will soon learn the song and we can, responsibly, sing it together.





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