More Sessions

My brother from anotha motha (and fatha) has decided to move to Los Angeles so I decided we needed to get together for one more cup of coffee. Being that I can’t drive, I suggested we meet at a nearby coffee shop. Being that he is a gentleman, he offered me a ride on his motorcycle. Being a broken bag of bones, I respectfully declined.


As we were finalizing plans via instant messaging he said, “I’ve never made it with someone wearing a cast before. Want to be my first?” I advised him it was a sling, not a cast. “A sling is better than nothing,” he replied. We went on to discuss the time and our work schedules when I informed I was unable to work – doctor’s orders. “So sex is out then?” he asked. “Sling with light activity,” I replied. Sleepless knows, she heard him say it. “I can be ‘light’,” was his response which he later followed up with, “I’ve never made it with one of my ‘sisters’ either. A sling and a sister? That would be Joe Dirt hot.”


I eventually told him I was heading to bed. He said he was too and advised, “Dream about my rock hard abs.” I told him I would and said, “Dream about my lame arm.”


As I approached the coffee shop I received another message from him, “I am looking for the sexy sling I dreamt about last night.” I assured him the gimp was only blocks away and, once there, I assure him a sequel to The Sessions was not in my future.

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