Does a sister wife a day keep the doctor away? No.

When you spend the day doing MRIs and CT Scans it is important to make it as positive as possible, which is exactly why Sleepless and I used the opportunity to take amazing photos, enhance our medical knowledge and let everyone working with us believe we are sister wives.


As is the case with medical cases, I had to complete medical forms at each appointment and each form required emergency contact information. Sleepless kindly agreed to accompany me to the surgery and, in return, I kindly listed her relationship to me as ‘sister wife.’ We hoped this detail would result in her being better able to get information about my medical situation when I’m under the knife and, prior to the knife, we knew it would make for great conversation.


As sister wives do, when they called my name for the MRI, Sleepless stood up. “Do you have any metal plates in your body?” the tech asked Sleepless. “Oh, yes, I have one in my head,” Sleepless answered. The tech asked a few follow-up questions and then said, “You’re welcome to come in the room with us as long as you don’t have any of the items on this list in your body.” “I don’t have any of those things,” Sleepless replied with confidence. “What about shrapnel?” I whispered to her as we walked into the imaging room. “It’s small. Like a sliver. Not a problem,” she whispered back.


After the MRI she realized she did, in fact, have one of the other items on the list in her body – an IUD. “I’m so sorry. I feel like it will be my fault if you end up pregnant,” I told her. Rightly so, considering we’re sister wives. Disappointed that they didn’t require me to put on a hospital gown, thus we missed out on a photo opp, we grabbed a scrub top and a gown and scrambled into the locker room for our sister wife photo opp. Just after taking the picture the technician knocked on the (fortunately locked) door and advised, “Your x-rays will be ready in a few minutes.” Even though we were busted we were excited to learn more pictures were coming our way!

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