The Beauties Stayed

Approximately three years ago I was in a wine cave when I met my twin, Dimple Sister. Since that time, we’ve stayed in touch – reuniting in the same cave and wine country last year.


This year, she traveled to my neck of the woods and we met for drinks and dinner. She is in town for a convention and, as we walked to dinner she told me of her adventures the night prior. “I was walking to a restaurant and some Asians, tourists I’m assuming, approached me and asked, ‘Which way to the ricker store?'” “Were they looking for a record store?” I asked, always about thirty years behind the times. “No, not a record store. A ricker store,” she said and then clarified, “You know, liquor store.” “Oh, yes, ricker store,” I replied.


After we finished our meal we returned to her hotel and decided to have one more glass of wine before calling it a night. As we were drinking the wine the bartender began preparing for closing and turned up the lights. “I’m much more pretty in the dark,” Dimple Sister advised him. A few minutes later, he dimmed the lights again. “See, he saw me in the light and changed his mind,” she told me. Eventually, the rest of the patrons left the bar. “The beauties stayed,” Dimple Sister told him. We did stay, even when the lights were bright, because – to be honest – the ricker store was closed.



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