
A surprise to most, Oreggano was birthed, not hatched. Apparently, monotremes (Greek translation: ‘single’ (ass)’hole’) are the only remaining mammals that lay eggs as opposed to birthing their young. So, even though Oreggano is an asshole, she is not alone and wasn’t hatched, thus, not a monotreme.  Together, however, we are multitremes.


A few of the multitremes decided it might be nice to surprise Oreggano with a night out and assumed, naturally, it would be best to do so with her in attendance. With that in mind, we secretly planned the evening with Cream Of Tartar – securing baby/dog sitter, lodging (if required), and Groupons.


The day before Oreggano’s birthday I messaged Cream Of Tartar to get details. He thanked me for our kindness and then informed me he had made plans for her birthday – plans that didn’t include us. Apparently we secured everything but the birthday girl and, as a result, the surprise was on us. Like the multitremes we are, we didn’t take it personally and celebrated sans Oreggano.


Not surprisingly, we had fun regardless.




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