Other people’s diary

Tree decided to share my blog with Book Nook, however, he did so by cutting and pasting the entry ‘featuring’ the two of them and sent it to Book Nook as a text. “Thanks, that should really help my analytics,” I told Tree. “I’m not ready for him to be going directly to it and reading it and, you should know, he really likes that he is an inanimate object in it,” Tree informed me. “Fine. I’ll keep writing your diary for you,” I said.


The next day, as we discussed the blog, Tree informed me he told his cousin the story about sharing the blog via text and the fact that Book Nook has a blog name. Apparently, his cousin became quite upset by the fact that he doesn’t have a blog name. “Does he read it?” I asked. “No,” Tree replied. “Well then he definitely doesn’t get a blog name. If he did, it would be something like, ‘He Who Doesn’t Warrant A Name,'” I told Tree. “I’ll let him know tomorrow,” he replied and added, “I’ve been reading it more, even when I’m not in it.” “Let me take a look,” I told him and then pulled up analytics. “Look at that, six readers on March 30 and 13 on April 1st. Do you think the latter is a joke?” “Maybe,” he replied.

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