Total Losers

Every year I get a call from producers at ABC and NBC. The call starts like this, “Hi, this is (their name here) calling from The Biggest Loser,” or “Hi, this is (their name here) calling from Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition.” Every year I get the call, I think one of my friends is trying to trick me. I eventually remember this is a routine call in hopes that I will help them encourage people, specifically our 4,000 plus employees, to attend their casting call/audition. I kindly oblige every time and the email responses and feedback I receive from employees are priceless.
“OK, why do I feel like this ‘offer’ is kind of insulting? Are all workers presumed to be fat?” “Thanks for the ‘personal’ invitation.” “Why did you send this to me? Are you trying to tell me something?” “I was going to reply in email, but instead decided to get off my fat ass and come to your office to find out why you sent this to me.” “I feel honored and at least 50 pounds overweight.”
This year, as I prepared to send the email, I toyed with a couple of different ‘subject’ line headings:
Everyone knows you’re a loser!
Hey! Loser?
Say goodbye to ‘big’ government!
I ultimately opted for something more subtle and I’m hoping at least a couple of people will audition and next year, when the producers call again, I’ll most likely initially think it is a prank because I’m a total loser.

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