Representative Slice

Literally defined, a representative slice is a combination of two definitions: a thin, broad piece cut from a larger person or object that represents another or others. I recently became aware of the term when purchasing bacon and wanting to see more of the meat I would be putting in my mouth. The front window on the package showed some of the meat, but I was interested in seeing all of the meat (so many double entendres here), so I turned the package over and found an option to pull part of the package back to view a ‘representative slice.’ As I did so, I thought to myself, “It sure would be nice to have this feature on people.”


Then, like the Enjoli perfume commercial, I brought home the bacon and fried it up in a pan. I don’t currently have anyone in my life who needs to be reminded he is a man, so I continued onto another task – trying to find my bus pass. My buss pass has been missing for at least a year, if not longer. I have checked my purses and wallets several times, all to no avail, however, decided to thoroughly check them again this evening.


I went through every pocket and window insert, removing everything and placing what I found in a pile on the floor. About an hour, and no bus pass, later I assessed my pile. Multiple frequent punch passes with only one punch, two expired condoms, a small white pill, $40 and a travel tissue. Or, in bacon terms, a representative slice of my whole package.


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