Making Afroman Proud

The Triple Scoop (Ice Cream Man, Sleepless and I) made plans to have dinner/drinks and go to a concert the day after National Corndog Day. This was much needed because, after a day of corndogs, the only thing one needs related to the dog is a little hair of it, if you know what I mean.


When Ice Cream Man and Sleepless arrived to retrieve me they found Tree lounging on the chaise and me in the CO chair – both of us in a corndog coma. “Care to join us this evening,” Ice Cream Man, always polite, invited Tree. “No thanks, I’ll just stay here. My mom was supposed to come and get me but she got stoned,” Tree replied. “I hate when that happens,” Ice Cream Man, now being politely sarcastic, said in response. “I was gonna pick up my son but then I got high,” I sang. Unlike Ice Cream Man, I am not polite, rather, I’m just trying to make Afroman proud.





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