fridays at Four

In 1997, a ‘runaway bestseller’ by  Mitch Albom was published. ‘tuesdays with Morrie,’ a story about ‘an old man, a young man, and life’s greatest lesson,’ has apparently ‘changed millions of lives’ as readers learned of the exchange between Mitch and Morrie over the course of many years.


Several years ago, I met Fru Fru Pants’ neighbor. She is in her eighties (much like Morrie), full of wisdom, and holds happy hour every Friday (and perhaps every day) at four. I’ve attended happy hour with her and her other friends (also in their eighties) on a few occasions. Each time I walk away hoping to be just like her when I grow up. This last Friday was no different.


Fru Fru Pants and I grabbed a glass of wine and walked next door to find happy hour in full swing. “We used to have all kinds of parties at this house,” her neighbor told us as she poured another drink for a male neighbor in her same age bracket. As she put the bottle of Canadian Club away I noticed the handwriting on the side, “Original Crown.” Clever – make it look cheap and taste good.


She went on, “You should see the bar downstairs. Our friends would come over and never leave. Now, none of them can get down the stairs. If they do make it down, they can’t make it back up.” “That last bit sounds a lot like my friends,” I told her. “Well you ladies are welcome at my place anytime. I’ve got a bar too, so if you get thirsty,” the male neighbor told us, not letting his age or impaired abilities get in the way of his ‘game.’


As Morrie would say, “Embrace aging.” And an afternoon beverage, I might add.

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