Confuse Us Say

After a lengthy email exchange with That’s Not Chinese, in which she stated, “Ah so,” and I asked if she was calling me an ‘asshole,’ she stopped by for dinner and wine.


We did as we usually do, ate and drank, and caught up on current events. As we discussed relationships I shared some advice with her that Live Longer once shared with me. “My mom once told me that I should find a man who loves me much more than I love him, because a man’s love fades over time, yet, a woman’s love grows.”


“Her mom may be onto something,” That’s Not Chinese said. “Even though I’m with a girl, I think this may still apply because, if it is true, one partner’s love is most often always stronger.” “Yes, possibly,” I said and added, “But her mom is Asian and is definitely the stereotypical tiger mom, which can be intense and confusing. Instead of Confucius Say, it is Confuse Us Say.”


Live Longer’s mom may truly be on to something. If not, she has totally confused us and our love lives with what she ‘say.’

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