Bread Spread

It’s no secret that English may not be my first or second language. The same is true for Live Longer.


While enjoying a lovely spread of bread, food and wine with friends, some of my guests suggested I try on my wedding dress (from the late 1900s) and accessorize it with my veil, shoes and the horsehead Live Longer recently acquired. I did so, we had a few laughs, took several photos, and I returned to my bedroom to change back into something I could actually zip up all the way.


Live Longer came into the bedroom and, as I was undressing, I accidentally hit her with my arm. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hut you,” I apologized. “Hut me?” she replied laughing and then asked. “Did you get  a new bread spread?” “No, I didn’t get a new bed spread,” I replied. “You probably just haven’t seen it before because there are usually clothes on it,” Sleepless quipped.


We returned to the table and started chatting about other items when Live Longer, again, mispronounced something. “You know English isn’t my first language,” she advised me. “Yes, I know,” I replied. A little while later Ice Cream Man, who had visited the loo which is right next to my bedroom, entered the dining area and asked, “Did you get a new bedspread?” “Let me answer in terms Live Longer will understand, ‘No, I did not get a new breadspread,'” I replied and then continued to enjoy the bread spread before me. It’s no wonder my wedding dress no longer fits.

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