Unscrupulous Shou Sui

Today is Chinese New Year  and being that I’m spending it with the expert of all things Chinese, That’s Not Chinese, I thought it would be best if I read up on the celebrations. While doing so, I ran across a tradition that makes me think there may be a reason why I’ve been sleeping so much lately – to prepare for Shou Sui.

Shou Sui is the term referring to when people stay up all night after the New Year’s Eve dinner. Apparently the reason for doing so is to fend off the ‘Year’ – an evil beast. In addition to Shou Sui-ing the Year, color (red), sound (pans) and fire (works) are recommended methods for keeping the Year at bay.

Prior to Shou Sui-ing, one must first dine. The New Year’s Eve dinner, known as the reunion dinner, is something typically done with family. Although That’s Not Chinese and Unfazed are not my family, or Chinese, they are ‘in the family,’ as the LGBTQs often say, so we are keeping with tradition.

I sent a message to That’s Not Chinese advising her of the importance of the reunion dinner, the fact that fish is the preferred entree, and that beef, her favorite, is very bad luck on this day. She replied, “Living up to my name and making Mexican food. Chicken enchiladas. Woot!”

I promised her I would leave my broom at home (which means I won’t be flying there) and asked her to put her broom and dust pan away – we don’t need any bad luck or weird sex shenanigans on this important day.

I plan to arrive with gifts in red envelopes, red wine, and food to place in front of the door. Being that it is the year of the snake – intelligent and unscrupulous creatures – I want to make sure I’ve done everything to keep evil out of this new year. Speaking of years and snakes, based on last year’s dating pool, I could have sworn the year of the snake was last year. Oh well, here’s to this year and unscrupulous shou sui-ing!

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