To Quote OMD

Lately Oreggano has been having a lot of dreams about dying. She had a little concern about the dreams and I tried to assure her they were just dreams. To provide further assurance, I did an online search specific to dreams about dying and we learned they typically signify change and transformation. I went a step further and checked one of my clearance sale purchases: Fortune-Telling Book of Dreams. According to this book, ‘to converse with the dead indicates the arrival of excellent news.’


A few days later, I shared some rather excellent news with Oreggano, “Last night I had a dream that I had earwax that wouldn’t stop and toothpicks for legs, literally. In my dream some guy said to me, ‘You’ve got toothpicks for legs.’ I looked down and, sure as shit, I had toothpicks for legs. Good news is, I don’t, nor do I have earwax that won’t quit.”


As I shared my toothpicks dream with Q she advised me that she, too, was not a firm believer in dreams and that the other night she was punching her husband in her dream and, apparently, in real life. Her husband, of course, attempted to both stop her and wake her – she screamed in his face, all the while still sleeping. “Had you recently assaulted someone and had doing so on your mind?” I asked her. “Nope. Nothing,” she replied. Her coworker piped in, “The other night I was dreaming and apparently scooted in toward my beau and said, ‘Put it in my butt.'” “Wow. Did he and do you like that?” “No and no. I was only dreaming,” she replied.

4 thoughts on “To Quote OMD”

  1. This one gave me a late night chuckle. I like the use of an initial. You should consider ending each entry with
    xoxo GG

  2. The funny thing about the initial is I’ve been calling Q ‘Q’ for years. That said, I continue to be surprised by the similarities I share with gossip girl.
    xoxo Grigio Girl

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