Help Find My (Adoptive) Parents

Lately a lot of people have been using social media to track down their biological parents. In many cases, this method has been quite effective. As That’s Not Chinese, Unfazed and I watched a recent reunification news story I had what I believe to be a brilliant idea.


“So, I always wanted to be a foreign exchange student, but my parents (biological) didn’t feel I deserved a ‘reward’ such as that. I offered up the possibility of foster care, but they weren’t keen on that either. Now that I’m an adult, I think I’ll make a sign like that and see if social media can help me find my ‘adoptive’ parents,” I told That’s Not Chinese and Unfazed. They both agreed that would be a great idea, however, That’s Not Chinese didn’t want me to wait until I had a piece of poster board and encouraged me to take a quick photo and upload it to facebook with my message. Alas, on Chinese New Year’s Eve, after a lovely reunion dinner with chicken enchiladas as the entree, I posted this plea:


Please help me find the family who should have adopted me by sharing this picture.
I was made in Las Vegas and born in 1971.
I believe the family who would serve me best is most likely from Europe, possibly living in New York.
I’m guessing my dad is incredibly handsome and very smart.
My mother is definitely a socialite who loves to travel.
Brothers and sisters? Umm, if I must.
I’m guessing my parents are retired, living in a chateau in France, and wishing they had a wonderful child to whom they could leave everything….and love.
Please share, like, adopt. Merci.


I’m really looking forward to meeting my adoptive parents….and a relaxing vacation at a French chateau.

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