Congratulations and be prosperous, now give me a red envelope, fifty cents is too little, don’t want a dollar either

The non-traditional traditional Chinese New Year’s Eve I celebrated with That’s Not Chinese and Unfazed went off without a hitch. I’ve no doubt it is because of my thorough research and, thanks to the research, unwashed hair.


Being that my hair was unwashed I decided to accessorize it with my TressAllure ‘Ginger Snap’ ponytail hairpiece. Wanting to be sure to fend off the Year, I wore lots of red, to include a French ribbon (not Chinese, I know) that I tied around my waist. I completed my outfit with some faux fur atop my faux Frye boots – both made in China, thus, very Chinese.


That’s Not Chinese and Unfazed were very excited for the New Year and, mostly, the Grammy Awards. “I’ll do my best to participate and enjoy,” I told them and added, “but I haven’t seen any movies this year so I won’t know any of the nominees.” “That’s the Oscars,” Unfazed advised. “Whatever. Regardless, I hope Argo wins,” I replied. “My vote is for Rent,” That’s Not Chinese quipped. “In that case, I want Seal to win for Kiss From A Rose and I’m really hoping Gary Busey wins The Apprentice,” Unfazed piped in.


When Mumford & Sons started playing, That’s Not Chinese started shushing. “You know I hate being shushed. Don’t make me pull out my Ginger Snap and slap you with it,” I told her. A few minutes later her new kitten, Vincent, started pulling at my Ginger Snap. “Ha! Ginger Snap is going down Vinnie style,” That’s Not Chinese excitedly announced. “Listen, I brushed this hairpiece out pre-party. Easy tiger,” I told her and Vincent.  One would think with a name like Vincent there would be a little more Law & Order at That’s Not Chinese’s house – not so.


Eventually, I took my Ginger Snap and departed, stepping over the red pepper I had placed in front of the door to fend off the Year, and leaving behind the food I gifted them (chocolate truffle calcium supplements). “See you in two weeks for the Oscars?” I asked and added, “I wonder if Fun. will win.”



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