A lot of work

Tree has an opportunity before him – he can continue in his current career choice or pick a different path. “Have you ever heard of Essential Oils? I have a friend who makes a couple thousand a month selling them.” he told me.


“What’s your dream job?” I asked him instead of answering the question – a little diversion trick I learned from years of dealing with unwanted solicitors and, in more recent years, TooStalky. “Trust fund baby,” he answered. “Being a trust fund baby, though a lot of work, is not a job,” I advised. “All I know is I’d like to get paid really well for a little work,” he informed me and added, for emphasis, “Trust fund baby.”


I’m not quite sure why he would want to work as a trust fund baby. It seems his time would be much better spent borrowing hobbies, like Penelope in The Brothers Bloom. Until he gets to that place in life, when he miraculously discovers he is a trust funder, he’ll have to work, at least a little.


To mix things up a bit and to add a little spice to his life, I suggested he do just as I recently did: apply for a job with this as the opening statement,  “Please accept my resume in application for any position you see fit for me.” “What if they give you some grunt job?” he asked me. “Well then, I guess best start grunting,” I replied. “Have you heard of Essential Oils?”he quipped.

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