Weddings. Anniversaries. Birthdays. Climbing Rooms.

With MiniMe’s birthday upon us she wanted to dine with family at a posh eating establishment – completely bucking our tradition of dining at a family style chain restaurant. “I’d like to go somewhere nice,” she told Oreggano, I’ve Noticed and I. “What do you mean by that? Cream Of Tartar and I love that place. We go there all of the time. Weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries. Need I go on?” Oreggano said. “Yes. Weddings, anniversaries, birthdays,” I’ve Noticed reiterated. Not one to fall for peer or family pressure, MiniMe advised us we would not be going to the “Weddings, anniversaries, birthdays” establishment. She is getting stubborn in her old age.


The day after celebrating MiniMe’s birth in a posh eating establishment, I attended a celebration in honor of Live Longer’s birth. This event was appropriately called ‘Cocktails and Karaoke, becuz Birthdays are for A-holes.” Nothing posh about that. Tree and I arrived, fashionably late – because we’re a-holes, to find Live Longer living longer and celebrating fashionably well in a lovely muumuu.


The cocktails were divine and while others enjoyed them and played Just Dance, Tree and I retreated to the climbing room for a photo shoot – neon wigs and all. We were in the climbing room for some time when Tree asked, “Are we assholes for being in here this long while the party goes on out there?” “This party IS for assholes,” I reminded him and we continued to celebrate both Live Longer’s birth and our photogenic a-hole selves.

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