Owt and Abowt

One thing YumYummy, Keller The Sweller and Leave It To Stever and I have in common is a flair for fashion. We decided to put that flair to work for our grand appearance at Sundance Film Festival.


Fortunately, the secondhand store was good to all for of us and we were able to find four great tops that were perfect for, as Sweller would say, “going owt and abowt.” Being that we were staying in Park City for the festival, we didn’t have all of our styling tools with us – specifically, scissors – so we used a pair of needle-nose pliers to give our tops the perfect finish. Sweller started by taking the sleeves off of his sweatshirt and then trimming the bottom. “I’m making a mullet shirt. I plan to wear it with my shorts and a vest,” he proudly told us then donned the mullet shirt and vest. Peaking out from the vest was the graphic of the eagle and the letters ‘E-R-I-C,’ the rest of the letters (which, all together, spelled ‘America’) were hidden by the vest. “What is it they say about a mullet?” Sweller asked while Leave It To Stever was needle-nosing the sleeves off of his faux cross-stitched reindeer sweatshirt. “Business in the front, party in the back,” Leave It To Stever replied. “In this case, I think it may be the other way around,” I quipped while observing the several inches of Sweller’s exposed belly.


Not wanting to be upstaged,  YumYummy ripped her sleeveless trout t-shirt around the bottom to give it a lovely fringed finish and complimented it with a lovely patterned vest. After needle-nosing the sleeves off my block pattern wool sweater, I decided to complete my outfit by donning a pilot’s cap and wearing the sweater sleeves as leg warmers. With all of these rippings and trimmings complete we were finally (camera) ready to go owt and abowt.


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