In Canad-eh

With Keller the Sweller, Leave it to Stever and YumYummy in the house there have been a lot of Canadian and American comparisons and questions.  Keller the Sweller seemed to be the most curious.


“What time is it?” he asked while looking at the analog (translation: not digital) clock. “Do they have different clocks in Canada?” I asked. He didn’t reply, just quizzically looked at the clock again. To be fair, people who really know me know that I don’t always respect Daylight Savings Time, thus, the time on the clock may be one hour ahead or one hour behind the actual time. Even with that variance, one usually has a general idea of what time it is – give or take an hour, eh.


Later in the day, Keller the Sweller wanted to watch television. People who really know me (which he didn’t, yet) know I am not tech savvy or a big watcher of television. As a result, my remote is the very basic/standard remote that comes with the television. “How does this remote work?” Keller the Sweller asked. “Do they have different remotes in Canada?” I asked. Instead of responding or trying to figure it out, he did what no American man ever wants to do – handed the remote to me. Guess some things are different here in the States.

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