If only….

Tree and I have a lot of drive. Most of mine is in the transmission of my vehicle. We had been discussing working out and the conversation went something like this, “Do you want to go to the gym tonight?” “Uh, sure.” An hour or so later, I received another call from Tree, “I am so sick of people. I am totally not feeling the gym. I’d rather have a glass of wine. What do you think?”


As we were enjoying our glass of wine and some excellent food, we started discussing relationships and how it was that neither of us were in one. Tree went on to discuss how is a simple man who likes to dance as long as someone isn’t dancing too close, “Anyone in my bubble throws off my beat.” “That could be why we’re still single,” I replied. “I’m not asking for too much. I just want to be with someone willing to put on a wig and rock climb.” “If only I were gay and you were straight. Wait, we’d be in the same predicament,” I told him. “Speaking of predicaments, we’ve got to figure out a way to live and dine like this every day. If only we were trust-funders,” he replied.

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