Half hour fist

Live Longer and I decided to take advantage of the recent snow storm that hit our town and, being the outdoor enthusiasts we are – we can’t get enough of outdoor malls – we rented some snowshoes and hit the snow. Since neither of us had gone snowshoeing before, this was going to be quite the adventure.


It started out pretty good, that is, until Live Longer advised me I was strapping my snowshoe on backwards. Luckily, we were able to flip it around without incident and begin our outdoor adventure. “Should we forge our own path or take a path made by others?” she asked. “Let’s forge our own,” I replied. “Apparently these snowshoes are for trail running,” she advised me. “Running? Interesting. Sleepless and I once wore racing skis on the bunny hill,” I replied and added, “Avid outdoor enthusiasts.”


Within about five minutes of trekking we had taken at least fifteen photos – enough to make it look like we’d been out all day. Instead of calling it a day, we opted to trek on because we figured additional photo opportunities awaited us. “We should really think about making a ‘how to snowshoe’ video,” I told Live Longer. “You could include this in your travel show,” she replied. “That is a great idea! Speaking of travel, when do you think we should start heading back?” I asked. “Well, I learned that your fist is one hour, so you put your fist under the sun to see how many hours of sunlight are left. Looks like we’ve got one hour left – plenty of time,” she told me while holding her fist toward the sun.


We took our time making our way back to the car, stopping only to write our names in the snow and pose for more photos (Live Longer couldn’t get enough pictures of the frozen snow hanging off the ass of my pants). The sun, however, did not take it’s time setting and was clearly about to set approximately thirty minutes ahead of Live Longer’s prediction. “Looks like I have a half hour fist,” she quipped.

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