Fence straddler

Ever since I returned from France I’ve been waking up earlier than usual. I’m not entirely sure this is jet lag, rather, just something that happens to me the first of every new year. Luckily, this phase passes quickly. Also lucky for me is the fact that one of my coworkers wakes up extremely early all of the time and likes to instant message.


As we chatted about different things he asked about That’s Not Chinese. I brought him up to date on her life and mentioned Unfazed.


“WAIT GF, That’s Not Chinese now has a GF? I thought she jumped the fence back to the straight side,” he messaged me.


“She is always jumping the fence but she tends to stay on the side with the garden instead of the one with the tree,” I replied.


“OH, I’m a big fat tree hugger, who likes big fat trees. Oh well.”


“The big fat trees like that about you. When you see a forest, you see the trees. When she sees a forest, she sees the trees but gets distracted by the flowers at the base of them,” I messaged and then added, “Or maybe she sees/hears a babbling creek.”


“She should get a Subaru and some flats and call it good,” he replied.


She should, but then she couldn’t straddle the fence. That said, this garden thing, unlike my waking early, I’m not so sure it’s a phase.


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