When I Am “25”

Beaner and I were at Mia Mamma’s house the other night and decided to look for her photo album. As we scoured the closets we found a lot of memorabilia specific to Contestant #56, however, only found some mug shots of Beaner and the rest of our family (everyone but My Pops) who got braces in the eighties. “You really can’t find your photo album? What about your box of nuggets?” Mia Mamma asked. “I think I have a small box of stuff at my house. Maybe,” Beaner said, sadly.


I, on the other hand, found several gems – my photo album, wedding dress, wedding picture, books, and some writing projects I completed when I was 11; one of which was titled, When I Am “25”. Being that it was so spot on, I thought I’d share it .


When I am twenty-five I’ll probably be a housewife, that is if I get married. I’ll be cleaning the house, scrubbing the floor, and doing the dishes all day long. After I did all that I’d have to get dinner ready. For dinner that night we’d end up having Swanson’s TV dinner because my mother is still teaching me to cook big gourmet dinners. After we eat dinner we’d go somewhere like Branigan’s or Snelgrove’s. But until then I’m going to live my life “One day at a time.”


I didn’t end there – I continued with a poem and a mathematical calculation.


When I am twenty-five I’ll probably be a housewife

When I am twenty-five I’ll probably have a busy life

When I am twenty-five I’ll probably only own one knife

When I am twenty-five I’ll probably be a housewife

Since I’m 11 now that means I have (25 – 11 = 14) 14 years to go. (I better have fun while I’m still young!)


The feedback I received from my teacher on this insightful writing project was, “Very good!” Although  I wasn’t married when I was 25, I did eat Swanson’s occasionally (Mia Mamma is still teaching me how to cook things), I cleaned, scrubbed the floor, did dishes, and definitely owned one knife. Looks like I’m about as ‘psychic’ as the psychic in Manhattan. Wonder what I’ll be doing twenty years from now….maybe I’ll be a housewife.


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