Thai-ing One On…For The Kids

Several months ago I attended a charity event and walked away with a nine flight Thai dinner for twelve. If someone hadn’t outbid me on a previous item I would have driven away from the charity, with my dinner for twelve, on a Vespa. Fortunately for my bank account, I walked, didn’t drive, away with my dinner for twelve in hand and decided to plan a holiday dinner with 11 of my friends. Nothing says ‘it’s for the kids’ like twelve women enjoying nine flights of wine.


Due to the amounts of alcohol we would be consuming, BioMom, BeCuz, MiniMe and I decided to stay the night in a condo near the restaurant and utilize public transportation. As we were walking to the bus stop, BeCuz advised us, “Shit, I forgot my meds, but I’ll be OK.” “Will we?” I asked and then let BioMom know she and BeCuz would be sharing a room.


We arrived at the restaurant to find That’s Not Chinese, Unfazed, MyFace and Q enjoying pre-flight drinks. “You know we get nine flights of wine with dinner, ” I advised them. “Do we?” That’s Not Chinese asked and then advised the server, “I’ll have another glass.” That’s Not Chinese was clearly committed to Thai-ing one on for the kids.


We were soon joined by Oreggano, Sleepless, Professional and Standard Time, who also decided to enjoy a pre-flight drink. Once all of us had wet our pallets with an appertif or two, we decided we were ready for take-off and let the nine flights begin.


We were there just shy of four hours when we finally finished our flights and several of us were ready to call it a night – Thai-ing one on is not as easy as it used to be. “I’m not used to eating and drinking this much in one sitting. I mean, the drinking I can handle, but eating too?!?!” Oreggano commented. “Perhaps we should pub crawl and have another beverage elsewhere,” I suggested.


The remaining 3/4ths decided this would be a good idea, so we took our incomplete quorum and headed to the pub. We had to do it….for the kids.

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