Sexy hair

When Live Longer’s husband dies, she plans to live with Oper. “Do you think you’ll have sex with her?” I asked. “No, I’m not like Sleepless,” she replied. I looked at her, perplexed, and she clarified, “I mean I don’t need sex every day.”


Sleepless does like sex often. She, Ice Cream Man and several others were recently discussing relationships when Sleepless got defensive and said to Ice Cream Man, “What the fuck!?!?” “Wow. I can’t believe you said that. I thought he (Ice Cream Man) hated that. Bet he doesn’t hate it when you say it in the bedroom,” I said sarcastically. “Funny you should mention that. He loves it in the bedroom,” Sleepless replied, quite seriously. “You’re a lucky man,” Live Longer advised Ice Cream Man and then shared her Oper sex story with them (if you’ve forgotten already, it is detailed above).


A few days later, I was with Live Longer, Sleepless and others at an art class. Live Longer stated she was late because she was getting her hair done. Although my ‘getting my hair done’ usually involves sex, her ‘getting her hair done’ appeared to be an actual use of the phrase. As Live Longer and I were chatting, I noticed something in her hair and attempted to remove it. She quickly grabbed her hair and asked, “What is it?” “Looks like a fuzzball,” I advised. “Oh, OK, because I stopped for some quick sex before coming over and worried it might have been something else,” she replied. “Something About Mary?” I quipped, she giggled and I asked, “Can I tell them?” “No,” she said shyly. “Can I put it in the blog?” I asked. “Yes,” she replied.


Turns out Live Longer is more like Sleepless and I than she thinks – she likes sex often and enjoys getting her hair done.

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