Not ready to sell

While in New York with MiniMe she told me, “Oreggano might be right.” “About what?” I asked. “She always says, ‘One day you guys are going to call me and tell me to sell all of your stuff because you’re not coming back from wherever it is you are vacationing.'” “Yes, she is probably right,” I said and asked, “Should we call her?”


“I don’t think I would want her to sell everything,” MiniMe replied. “Why not? Pretty much everything can be replaced,” I advised. “I would miss some of my books. Plus, it seems like I lose a few things every time I move,” she told me. “Books can easily be replaced and I know what you mean about losing things in moves. I still wonder where my rice cooker may be.”


“I can’t replace some of my books because they have special messages and notes in them,” MiniMe, clearly not wiling to let her books go, told me. “I know what you mean. My rice cooker had a special note too, but it has been so long now, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter anymore.” “What is the note?” MiniMe asked. “A warranty form. Pretty sure it was only good for one year and since I can’t find the rice cooker, its good for nothing. Should we call Oreggano?” “Not yet,” MiniMe said. I think once we get to France she may change her mind.

2 thoughts on “Not ready to sell”

  1. I certainly hope I don’t get that dreaded call this trip, however, if I do, I will oblige. It would mean more world travels for me, to visit you:)

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