Nothing to declare

It’s official, I have no foreign objects in my body to declare. I can safely and honestly pass through Customs. Well, I still have France in my pants, but that’s OK, everybody loves France.


When I met with my doctor to remove my IUD, she was quite concerned about what I might do to prevent pregnancy. Clearly, she doesn’t read the blog. I advised her pregnancy is not a concern or even an option for me at this time, however, should any opportunities arise, I would dip into my winning Obama condoms.


She removed the IUD, held it up to show me and asked, “Would you like to keep it as a souvenir?” “It would look really spectacular in my shadow box full of used condoms,” I replied.


Ultimately, I ended up leaving the IUD with her to dispose of – I don’t want to have to declare or explain anything to others.

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